Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Brighton Homecoming

I took pictures for my cute brother's Homecoming dance. There were 17 couples in his group! They were so fun and (almost) made me miss the care-free high school days.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Phoebe love

I straightened Phoebe's hair before church one week and I had to snap a few pictures. She loves this "uh-apple" (pineapple) dress!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Laurlelu bows

My cousin started a bow business and I took some pictures for her to show them off. We had the cutest models for the cutest bows. Here are some of my favorites! Check out her etsy shop here to get some for yourself!

Fielding family

These cowboys moved up to Wyoming so they needed some pictures to fit the part. I've never seen such a cute baby cowboy.